
作家:Edzard Ernst

Wikipedia 上有詳細的介紹。以下只是簡短的片段。

1978年,他在德國取得MD和PhD學位。他受過的訓練包括:針灸,草藥學,autogenic training, homoeopathy, 按摩療法,和脊椎骨smanipulation.(spinal manipulation)。
1988年,任漢諾威大學(U of Hannover)醫學院復建科(Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR))教授。
1990年,任維也納大學(U of Vienna)PMR 系主任。
到1993年,轉赴英國University of Exeter創立Complementary Medicine 學系。

他是醫學雜誌「Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies」的主編。他在「衛報 」(The Guardian) 專欄上,以「基於證據的醫學」的觀點評論"complementary medicine "的新聞。

2008年,他與Simon Singh合著「另類醫學是真的或是騙局?」"Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial"。他們指控英國皇儲和"Foundation for Integrated Health"說他們:「對homoeopathy, acupuncture 和 reflexology所提供的科學證據不正確而誤導民眾」。說:「英國每年花費5億英鎊在未經證實的,或已經證實是錯誤的另類醫學療法之上。」Donald Marcus 在"New England Journal of Medicine"評論這本書時說:「Ernst 是最有資格評論這個議題的證據之一人」。

他在2008年寄了一封公開信給「英國皇家藥劑師學會」(Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain)䜅促:取締販賣homeopathic 療方而不警告買者說「此方確乏有效證據」的藥劑師。他認為不這麼做,違反道德準則:

2008 年,Ernst 和Simon Singh 接受「Media Life 」雜誌訪問時,被問及:「你們認為另類醫學的展望如何?」他們的答覆:「對我們而言,醫學要不是有效,就是無效。要不是安全,就是不安全。我們必需仔細的評估另類醫學,把它歸類為好的醫學或是騙人的把戲。希望將來好的醫學能納入主流,騙人的把戲能被咄棄。」
2005年,In 2005, 他被選入「Medicines Commission of the British Medicines Control Agency (now part of the MHRA) 」,這個機構監控那些物質可以在英國可以視為醫藥。
2011年,被選為「Committee for Skeptical Inquiry」的Fellow。

作家:Simon Singh

Wikipedia 上有詳細的介紹。
Simon Lehna Singh, MBE 生於1946-09-19。1950年,與父母移民英國。

-「Fermat's Last Theorem」:這本書在美國出版時,書名是「Fermat之迷:解破最大的數學難題之歷程"(Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem)。
-「The Code Book」:關於秘碼學(cryptography)及其歷史。
- 「Big Bang」:關於 Big Bang 理論和宇宙的起源。
- 「另類醫學:真療法或江湖行騙?」

他的粒子物理PhD學位,得自剣橋大學Emmanuel學院,和CERN (在日內瓦)。
1990年,加入英國國家廣播公司(BBC)的「Science and Features」部門,是「
Tomorrow's World」和「Horizon」等節目的製作人。他製作、導演的,關於「Fermat's Last Theorum」,的紀錄片,1997年在BBC播放。也在美國的Nova節目轉播。

2003年,選入「Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) ";理由:褒揚他在科學、科技、工程、教育,以及Science Communication的貢獻。
2006年,University of the West of England 頒發他「Doctor of Design 」榮譽學位。頒文:為了認可他對促進民眾對科學的瞭解、對促進學校科學、工程、和數學的傑出貢獻。







希望有一天,台灣舉行 選舉時,至少有一家報紙有個專欄,像我在西雅圖的報上所見,只講事實。當一個候選人自我吹噓時,攻擊對手時,只憑事實評論它是「真的」,「半真半假的」,或跟本「是假的」。

希望有一天,台灣能有一面既不代表國民黨,也不代表民進黨或親民黨,而是一面所有台灣人都樂意自願拿在手上,穿在身上,甚至畫在小孫子臉上的旗子,就像我在美國看到的。有一個或一組顏色大家都熱衷穿或戴,正如愛爾蘭或湊熱鬧的非愛爾蘭人在St. Patrick Day穿戴的綠,西雅圖足球迷的綠,荷蘭運動迷的橘色,法國人、意大利人、德國人各自的三色。我夢想有一天,在國際場合,台灣人也能像其他每個國家的人一樣熱鬧。





中華文化有「禮義廉恥"四維。有「忠孝仁愛信義和平」八德。其中的「義」,在我看來是指「義氣」。三國演義深入華文圈中每個人的心,是文化中根深蒂固的一環。它講的「義」,表達於關雲長在華容道捉放曹操,謂「義薄雲天」。這是台灣人和中國人所謂的「義」-為朋友兩脅插刀, 即使犯法也不顧。商人、盜賊、黑社會,尊供奉他的神位。


Michael Sandel 在 哈佛大學開了一門課,叫「Justice」。(http://www.justiceharvard.org/watch/
上課的情況、內容,在網路上可以看到;從iTune University可以免費下載。蘇革拉底式的教學法。教授提出一個問題,學生各自表達意見。他寫了一本書"Justice"; 台灣有譯本。


1953年,英國Queen Elizabeth II宣誓就職。
主教授劍時:... 以這把劍維護正義.. .
將(Rod with the Dove)放到到Elizabeth的左手時:...執行正義時要心存仁慈...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."






我服務的公司是一個跨國的大公司。員工來自各國。每年都有一天叫"Diversity Day",慶祝我們有各個國家和文化的代表,鼓勵各文化、國家的和睦相處,互相欣賞,互相學習。今年的這麽一天,公司裡掛了許多國旗。員工中有從那個國家來的,就有那個國家的旗,獨獨沒有青天白日旗。為何我和其他台灣來的員工沒人去抗議?原因有二。第一,如果公司反問:「中國官員,不管大小,去台灣時,台灣政府還派警察去取諦那面旗。你們在自己的國土都不掛那面旗!」要我如何回答? 第二,我真的接受那面旗代表我的祖國嗎?我認為那面旗代表的是一個政黨,不是那個我生長的國家。我知道,這麼想的台灣人不只我一個。於是國際競技場合,各自持各自國旗熱鬧非凡時,惟有台灣人只能吞口水。除了國旗之外,還有其它的表達方式:荷蘭人穿帶橘色;愛爾蘭人,綠色;法國人,德國人,意大利人,各有他們的三色。我有一次去西雅圖的「宇和島屋」購物,餓了,去food court想吃個麵什麼的。怪了,怎麼那麼多人穿帶全身綠?啊,原來多家引食舖,牆上許多招牌寫著:今天穿綠色的打八折。為什麼打折?因為西雅圖的足球隊今天比賽;球隊穿綠色的制服。我於是這麼想:各種政治因素讓我們不能,有些人甚至不願拿青天白日旗。也許我們能設法鼓勵大家穿帶某種或某套顏色,在國際場合也能跟大家一起熱鬧一番。我心中想的是綠色。但是我真希望所有愛台灣的人都願意採用,因此我建議「藍綠橘」三色。理由不需我說明。旗子上是三條-;或橫或豎都無妨,大家一致就行。衣著、帽子,圍巾,鞋子等,各自發揮,配合這三色。若是加上一條白色更佳;代表那三色之外所有顏色的總和,正如白色的自然光是整個光譜的總和。


初譯: 2013-07-18

標題:有些壞處(Do Some Harm)


英文原文在: http://www.aeonmagazine.com/author/james-palmer/

Aeon; 2013年6月13日

作者:James Palmer




傳統中醫的理論看人體是各種元素,液體,與程序之間的互動:金、木、水、火、土;陰、陽,與氣。它們都各有其對應:火對南、紅、熱、心、和舌。人體是整個宇宙的縮影。病變起源於陰陽,寒燥,溼乾,等的「不調和」。大自然提供暗示如何去治療「不調和」。看起來像心 像手,像陽具的草藥,用來治療那些部位的缺失。動物亦然:老虎的骨頭讓你威猛;牛膽給你力氣。這些理論看起來很優美,但是與現代科學所知的大相不同:人體是長久的演化過程雜亂無章湊合起來的。它不是精心設計出來的。傳統中醫與歐洲文藝復興時期的思想對星象學及當時的科學一樣有同樣的毛病。誠如15世紀的哲學家,Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, 所說:看起來很優美,但是不自然,也不正確。


19世紀以前的中國,沒有所謂的中國醫學;只有醫學。中國的醫學典籍可追朔到「黃帝內經」。此經,其實相當著重實驗與記錄case studies。傳統中醫與中世紀的歐洲醫學有不少共通處。想來也難怪;經由絲路,古中國與印度和歐洲有文化交流。當中國的醫生初接觸到歐洲的醫學時,起碼不排斥,看到可學之處也願意採納。事實上在19世紀以前,病人也許接受中醫的看護還比在歐洲要好。反正當時的醫學治好病的可能性很低;至少中國醫生厭惡干涉人體內部而不會把人剖開或放他的血。但是,後代西方的醫學有了細菌理論,有了麻醉學,懂了公共衛生,於是兩者間的高下越差越遠。


1920年代的國民政府開始有了「強國必先強種」的觀念:要擺脫「東亞病夫」的惡名首先必需改善國民健康。因此必需整合醫事系統,建立並執行管理規章。醫師職業團體於是產生:中、西醫各組自己的團體,各認自己比較重要。1929年,政府嘗試要廢止傳統中醫,不果。1935年,國民黨的國會立法:必需「同等對待中醫與西醫」。1949年,共產黨政府維持住這個法律結構,雖然毛澤東根本不信中醫;他認為中醫是「江湖郎中街上行騙」。1954年,共產黨政府正式造出「傳統中國醫學」(TCM)這個詞,正式成立「國家中醫藥管理局」,並且在往後的數年間建立了許多中醫大學與研究學院。之前中醫與星相,算命被連在一起是迷信。現在,既然政府不但首肯,而且鼓勵,並且將它制度化。民眾於是不認為它是迷信了。文化大革命打翻了無數傳統價值觀,中醫則因為政府將它官化,制度化而得以存留。它去除了文革要打倒的「傳統」,加深了文革要鼓勵的「中國」;它變成了「人民的科學」;它代表著文化的延續。文化大革命下,整個世代的中國人失去了傳統,感到空虛。中醫填補了這個空虛。雖然經濟成長舉世稱羨,現在的中國人仍對它的歷史地位感覺不夠踏實。相信中醫讓舉國感覺良好--雖然西洋人發明了主流醫學,但是我們老祖宗的智慧不輸他們。這樣的民族愛國觀到處可見。不只一次,有人這麼告訴我(指作者James Palmer):
「西方人不信中醫是因為體質不同。中醫藥只有對東方人有用。 」


一般中國民眾不大信任傳統的主流醫學的醫生。也難怪他們不信任:現今中國的醫院裡,只有15%的醫師有MD學位,20%到25%有碩士學位(MA,Master's of Arts),其餘大多數是生物學或其他生命科學的學士。因為醫師收入低,所以收賄賂很普遍。不當的開出昂貴的療方,藥方 甚至偽藥也相當普遍。民眾的憤怒顯示在許多地方。例如網路上為殺死醫師的病人喝采。例如2006年,民眾擣毀四川的一個醫院,因為它拒收一個誤食農藥的小孩。小孩的祖父苦苦哀求,但是沒錢之下,醫院拒收,死了孩子。相對之下,求醫於TCM完全不同。跟在西方世界求醫於「另類醫療」差不多。醫者耐心的聽你傾訴你的病痛,生活方式,飲食習慣,生活中的壓力,然後給你一些養生的建議,甚至靈性上的指導。

過去幾十年間,壯陽藥佔了中藥市場很大的比例。自從Viagra發明以後已顯著降低。虎鞭、海豹鞭的價格也降低了。但是其他某些作法在過去30年來,卻是有增無減。有些作法在科學發達以前的農業社會是合理的,在現在看來則是有害的。例如,婦女產後「作月子」,在床上休養41天。西方世界也有從基督教聖經指示的40天的"Church-going of Women"。在以前的農業社會,這樣做,減低產婦受細菌感染的機率,避免婦女被迫過早回到田裡勞力。1940年代,西方的產科醫師開始覺察不勞動導至血拴的危險,已經不這麼做。但是在中國,卻變本加厲:產婦不能接觸冷水,不能吃生冷的食物。我有一位30多歲的中國同事,甚至含著淚對我說:「我媽就是因為沒有坐月子,才會生過孩子15年後得了癌症,年紀輕輕的就死了」。對現代生活的懼怕也悄悄的溜了進來:產婦不能看電視;不能洗澡。1980年代政府努力鼓吹TCM,注射「科學中藥」大為盛行。這是雙重的Placebo:漢藥純自然 沒有副作用;打針科學,效果快速。所謂的「科學中藥針」,不像西藥在上市之前需要經過嚴謹的實驗和審核。根據中國官方統計,2012年有17萬宗科學中藥針造成的藥物過敏案件。


過去4年來在市面上賣的,治失眠的Anshen Bunao Pian (安神補腦片?)含水銀的量超過中國官方許可的55倍。治療偏頭痛的Zhen Tian Wan (鎮天丸?)含有Aconite,它可能導至心悸與腎功能衰竭。許多TCM藥物含有在西方必需醫師處方的成份,最常見的是止痛藥。護膚霜含有對小孩有害的類固醇。壯陽藥含有4倍於正常藥量的Cialis。


科學老早就證明熊膽汁中的成份,ursodeoxycholic acid, 能有效的分解膽結石。但是這不能滿足中國人情緒上和象徵上的需求。幾十萬大陸上的中國人還是堅持非要從活生生的熊採集到的膽汁才行。「國家中醫藥管理局」的主管,Wang Guoqiang(王國強?)也在2012年公開宣稱:「沒有任何東西可以取代活生生的採集。」此外,相信TCM的人相信「自然」,相信熊的有力更勝於藥方的真正效果。

實驗方法學,我是外行,頂多只能說是感興趣的非專業人士。但是,當我親眼看到trial report上這麼寫,也不禁搖頭:

「我們的對照組(control group) 只有實驗組(experimental group)的一半大。這是故意的,因為不讓更多的人接受到有效的治療是不道德的。」<1>
中國大陸發表的trials極少有負面的結論。2009年,Cochrane Collaboration針對TCM trials做了systematic review,發現大多數的trials缺乏足夠的數據,因而表示對其研究方法表嚴重的關切。一個review調查了7422個中國的TCM trials,發現它們的平均Jadad Scale值是1.03。Jadad Scale是評估quality的一種標準;最高的quality是5。另外一個完全由中國學者做的評估,發現3000個TCM trials中,只有4%,其實驗洽當的考慮數據的收集和處理<1>。

Edzard Ernst 是University of Exeter「另類醫學」 的名譽教授。他說:「TCM研究最根本的問題在於研究人員用科學,只是要證明他們既有的設想,而不是要測試真情為何。」 除了實驗方法之外,另有根本思維上的大問題:如果中醫藥證明了是有效的,那它就不再是中醫藥。它就成了「基於證據的醫學」; 成了貨真價實的主流醫學。 對我來說,將中醫藥經過證據的篩選--區分出Placebo和非Placebo,找出active ingriediant,瞭解其副作用--會讓中國在科學界揚名,同時也造福全人類。但是讓TCM應用「基於證據」的科學方法,終將導至你無法區分它與主流醫學有所不同。國家化的中醫系統無法接受這點。Zhang Gongyao, (張公耀?)教授寫信給我,這麼說:「大多數從事中醫科學化的研究人員拒絕採用'西方科學',認為西方科學不適合中國。他們對區分出Placebo毫無興趣。」

也有人說標準的科學研究方法不適合中醫藥的研究,因為:中醫的療法要因人而異。這實在大大低估了 「基於證據」的研究人員能設計出結結實實,屢試不爽(reproducible)的實驗的能力。2001年,德國科學家設計了個「假針灸的針」,病人不知道是假的,因此針灸的心理作用(Placebo)沒有喪失。同時也有無數的設計用來實驗「因人而異的」草藥療法。Edzard Ernst說:「現在有許多實驗設計能滿足TCM研究所需。」 常常聽到人家說:中醫是整體性的,效果全靠經驗。師傅的經驗一代一代傳給得意的弟子。它著重師傅的直覺和智慧,完全不管治療結果是不是可以客觀的測量。


話說回來,如果我們先入為主的認為TCM是一個正當的科學理論,那麼它的優點就無法發揮。中國傳統可以很美妙:它提醒我們從不同的角度看我們的身體,看我們與世界的關係, 看我們如何與他人相處。這不但對中國人好,而且對所有的人都好。中醫藥也可以是美妙的:它有攸久的歷史,有廣泛的藥典;它有好奇心,很著重實驗;它有對窮困無依的人深切的關懷。若能加以現代科學的礪練,豈不美好。中國文化和中醫藥都能造福人類;中國大大可以毫不臉紅的引之為傲。但是要達到這個目標,中國傳統和中醫藥都必需與TCM這具僵屍切割清楚。

****** 譯注********

<1>原文提到blinding和allocation concealment,不容易翻譯,譯者我提供說明如下。可接受的科學實驗至少必需符合以下的條件:你想要做實驗,看Y成份是否對治療S病變有效。實驗的設計應該有兩組看起來,聞起來,嘗起來,一模一樣的藥;惟一的不同是一個含Y,另一個不含Y但也無害身體。
接受實驗的病人必需分為兩組:一組接受含有Y的藥,叫「實驗組」(Experimental Group);另一組接受不含Y的藥,叫「對照組」(Control Group)。
選那些人來作實驗呢?必需要是逢機的(Random)。也就是說,那些人放在實驗組,那些人在對照組必需靠「運氣」;例如,第一個報名的放在實驗組,第二個報名的放在對照組;第三個,在實驗組,第四個,在對照組;以此類推。不能一組選教育程度高的,另一組選較有錢的。實驗如何進行呢?要雙盲(Double Blind): 




- Alternative Medicine:另類醫藥
- Complentary Medicine:我不知道它與Alternative Medicine有何不同。也翻譯為另類醫藥。
- Chinese Traditional Medicine 或Traditional Chinese Medicine:傳統中醫、傳統中藥。有時我只用英文的簡寫 TCM。
- Conventional Medicine 或Traditional Medicine: 主流醫學、醫藥。因為原文中traditional和conventional出現時它指的是正統的,科學界認同的醫學。我要避免與TCM中的"traditional"混淆,而選用「主流」。我不用用「正統」,因為要避免不客觀的嫌疑--你是正統,我難道是冒牌?
- 科學中藥:混雜著傳統中藥與現代醫藥。這是在台灣用的詞彙。
- Evidence-based Medicine: 基於證據的醫學

有些,我選擇不去譯它, 例如,case study,(clinical)trial,等。因為這些詞彙在科學界有明確的含意。我想不去譯它,反而讓讀者更容易讀。

Cochrane Collaboration ,systematic review ,Placebo(基本上是指心理作用), Evidence-based medicine,等。我將另貼文稍作解釋。 

文中數次提及Edzard Ernst這個人,和他的著作"Trick or Treatment ?" 我也打算張貼另一篇貼文簡介。





A famous anthropologist, Abraham Maslow (1908-70), categorized the Hierarchy of Human Needs as the following:
Physiological (e.g. I am not blind or deaf. I am not crippled. I am not starving.)
Safety (e.g. I am not afraid of becoming the food of a lion. I have a roof above me to hide from the rain and snow.)
Belongingness (e.g. I have a home. I have a bank account.)
Esteem  (e.g. I can read and write. I am a model citizen. I even donate my time and money for those less fortunate. I am proud of myself.)
Self-actuation (i.e. realizing to the fullest possible extent the creative potential present within the individual. I want to pursue a purpose beyond my basic needs. I want to be all I can be. I want to make me happy.)

I have the pleasure of knowing many women who out perform me at schools and at work. I have great appreciation for many women who are great wives and mothers. Somewhere in between, I wonder what happened to so many well-educated and intelligent women who dedicated their lives to their children, husbands and husband’s careers and work. What do they feel deep in their hearts when it’s snowing outside and they are alone sitting in a comfortable sofa by the fireplace. They did well in school. They enjoy art and literatures before they got married. They had dreams before they got married. Now they are married and in charge of a home. When they meet they talk about children, gardening, cooking, and crafts. When asked a question they watch their husbands’ response before expressing their opinions. All because they want to make a better home for their family and be known as a good wife and a good mother, thereby a good woman.

A decade or so into such unselfish dedication, husbands have good careers and successful businesses, children are grown and no longer depend on them, and they themselves are now financially secure and live in an affluent sub-urban neighborhood. They know they are successful by all standard social measures. Then when they meet, some would wonder aloud “What have I accomplished as a person. Yes, I have a good family and many people would envy me. But, what have I, as a person, accomplished. Am I happy? What would it be had I pursued my own dreams instead of my husband’s?”

Because of Angela’s unselfish dedication, I had numerous opportunities participating in numerous intellectually satisfying conversations with people from different disciplines in graduate school the same way James Watson (a biologist) and Francis Crick (a physicist) met and argued and sparked the discovery of DNA.  Angela has always admired the atmosphere in the cafes and taverns of the19th century Paris, where Van Gough, Gauguin, and Cézanne rubbed shoulders and argued and influenced one another’s art. I feel her marrying me robbed her of the opportunity of immersing in an atmosphere where people of different perspectives, opinions talk with one another with no specific end goal, but with great zest and freedom in expressing their views. I was very happy that early in year 2002, Angela and a few of her close friends decided to take actions to create such an atmosphere for themselves--they formed the Tsai-Bor Book Study Club.

They chose the books, read them, and expressed their opinions. They gained the confidence of valuing and expressing their own opinions, instead of waiting for their husbands’ opinions or worrying what others may think of them. They took the initiative of volunteering their husbands to give seminars on various topics. They, each and every one of them, wrote their views on the books they had read and discussed. Their 1st book debuted in 2002.  They are publishing their 2nd book for 2003.  Knowing how busy they all are, I am terribly impressed by their resolve—individually as well as collectively.

I saw a few ladies scrambling to submit their writings on the eves of departing for Taiwan. I saw Angela working days and nights writing hers. One wise man said, “The sense of joy came from adrenaline and the vigor of purpose.” I remember myself burning midnight oil trying to wrap up a project and feeling happy about it. I believe the ladies enjoy themselves ramping up their adrenaline, stealing time to read the books, participating in the discussions, agonizing over what to write, and making their 2nd book a finished product. I believe they are happy because they took upon themselves in realizing their self-actuation. I believe they are happy ramping up adrenaline to pursue the purpose despite a few burnt meals and sleepless nights. I am happy to see happy people; especially one of them is my dear wife.

Angela asked me to write a few words for their 2nd book. Here are my words to you ladies of the Tsai-Bor Club:

You ladies have my admiration—to take the initiative to form the club cost nothing but courage, to have the dedication of pulling it off and persist for multiple years is admirable, but all in all, to take actions of fulfilling your Self-actuation is simply priceless. I tip my hat to you all.

Martial artists like to say, “Regardless of the destination, the journey there is a reward by itself.” They say this to emphasize that it’s not how skillful you can become, but rather to get the benefit and joy in the sweat and grind of practicing martial arts. I see you ladies sweating and grinding for your books and turning the clock back to your 20-something days. The charm that is inherent in young, bright-eyed, and intellectually curious young maidens. The time is over for me to hold hands with 20-something young maidens, but I am getting a 20-something young-in-heart lady in return. Life is good for me.

While making your 2002 book, Angela chose a color from the rainbow for the cover; I think it was to reflect the mood of putting a little “color” into her life. I wish you ladies the best in putting the 2nd color in your club. I wish you the best in successfully putting the whole spectrum of the colors in a rainbow in your club and your life. It’s not the size of the books, but rather the grind of putting them together that is priceless. Secretly, I am hoping that I’ll be invited to the colorful celebration party at the end of the rainbow that is the completion of your 7th book.



July 3, 2013


太陽也嘗試著要早起,將天邊抹上一片美麗的色彩。說是紅,不像。說是粉紅,也不是。也談不上是紫;不過倒是讓我心中浮起Dean Martin那首歌:Purple light in the canyonthat's where I long to be.  哼著它,我不禁想「到底該怎麼形容這個顏色?」走到了我熟悉的池塘邊--我私下叫「My Walden」的池塘。水面上一片白茫茫。

******* 後記;2013年,7月,一個艷陽高照的星期三 *******
他的弟弟下個月就要兩歲了。昨天在辦公室收到太太用iPhone寄來,簡短的影片:他第一次叫「阿媽,阿媽」。今早,他當著我們的面叫太太「阿媽」,叫我「ah da」。我認為他是全世界最可愛的男孩。
 Ah, Life is good!
明天,星期四,是國慶,休假一天。決定星期五請假,跟太太打高爾夫球。照著2007年八月的那個星期五泡製一番。或是如我的香港朋友所說「依樣煮碗」;打完球後到Mandarin Buffet吃個飽。


 July 3, 2013

六月初,Peter email 給我們,說要回來參加華大的畢業典禮,說他媽媽也要來親眼看這個么兒子披上博士袍。媽媽很想跟我們見個面,邀太太跟我吃頓飯。
Mandarin Buffet見了面。寒暄有如是我們的姪兒甥女。
Elisha問, ”How are you,台灣話怎麼說。太太和我搔搔頭想了一下。我說:「呷飽沒?」媽媽大笑,大大點頭表同意。啊,台灣文化。
身為統計學教授的Peter解釋給我們聽:(1-p)是Q;中間那些#####我不懂的希臘字母是所謂的Student T-distribution。最後的π我倒是認識。整體唸起來是QTπ,也就是Cutie Pie。真是可愛--年輕貌美的教授夫人穿在身上。美國文化真活潑。



Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow的「人類需求層次體系」是一個心理學的理論。它來自Abraham Maslow在1943年發表的論文「探討人類原動力的理論」(A ATheory of Human Motivation)。Maslow使用「生理需求」(physical),「安全需求」(safety),「歸屬感與愛的需求」(belongingness and love),「尊重需求」(esteem),「自我實現需求」(self-actualization),和「超自我實現」(self-transcendence)這樣的詞彙來描述一般推動人類做事的原動力的層次。

Maslow使用「生理需求」(physical),「安全需求」(safety),「歸屬感與愛的需求」(belongingness and love),「尊重需求」(esteem),「自我實現需求」(self-actualization),和「超自我實現」(self-transcendence)這樣的詞彙來描述一般推動人類做事的原動力所經歷的過程。




Maslow認為人類需要有歸屬感,感到被他的或大或小的社交圈接受。大的社交圈,例如俱樂部、同事、宗教團體、職業團體、運動團體、及幫派等。小的社交圈,例如家人、親密伴侶、前輩、同僚、好友等。人需要能愛,需要感到被愛;這個愛包括性愛與非性愛。缺乏愛跟歸屬感之下,有些人變得容易感到寂寞、焦慮、甚至引發沮喪病症。有時同儕同伴的壓力(peer pressure)夠大時歸屬感的需求甚至會超過生理或安全感的需求。

(4)尊重的需求 (Esteem)
所有的人都需要感到受尊重--別人的尊重與自我的尊重。許多人加入職業團體或業餘嗜好的團體為的是取得他人的接受或器重。這些活動讓人感到有所貢獻,感到被認可。一個人自覺不值或有自卑感,(Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex)有可能是這個層次上的不均衡。自覺不值的人常需要別人尊敬他;他們可能急切的尋求榮耀與名聲。但是除非他在內心裡接受自己,榮耀與名聲還是幫不上忙。沮喪症之類的心理不平衡可能會阻礙一個人獲得高層次的自我尊重感。

(5)自我實現的需求(Self-actualization)與 (6)超自我實現的需求
自我實現的需求,其本質在於「想要充份發揮自己的潛能」("What a man can be, he must be.")



A Few Things—Big and Small

The Chinese original is in
寞山的洄瀾 (Ripples of a Hermit’s Thoughts)

“I found a photographer. She’s only a few years older than me. We get along very well; and she can even do a gown! It would be a lot cheaper than buying one.” It was my daughter’s excited voice at the other end of the phone. She meant to save money for her parents. As a mother, I didn’t want to rain on her parade. To avoid hurting each other’s feeling, I just reminded her, “Getting along and liking her is good, but experience told me that maybe you are just ‘looking for an older sister’. This has nothing to do with whether she can do the gown. Don’t rush the decision, better asking her to alter one first and see what happens.” We all think marriage is a life time affair. To a bride-to-be, wedding planning always aims for “perfection”. It takes a whole year: whom to invite, the design of the invitation card, the colors of the decoration, the choice of the venue, the music for the wedding, the selection of the band, the outfits of the maids-of-honor and the best man, the menu, the cake, etc. the list goes on. Joyfully and meticulously trying and retrying. I was shocked that during this joyful preparation, out of the blue, she told me she planned to sue the photographer.

What happened was that she had paid the photographer a down payment and also asked to alter a beautiful blouse that was a little loose. She meant to test the photographer’s tailoring skills before asking her to make the wedding gown. The photographer blotched it completely; “She did not alter it the way I told her to. What if she photographs the wedding the way she wants, instead of the way I want? I cannot let her screw up my wedding.” My thinking was to just let go of the down payment and not spoil the joyful event with a lawsuit. My conventional attitude of minimizing the un-pleasantry did not sit well with her. Now, for a whole month, her new focus was to prepare for the lawsuit—documenting the incident, finding the witness, and submit the paper to court. At the court, she stood confidently in front of the judge, alone. (A small claim court does not need an attorney; it needs only the judge, the plaintive, and the defendant.) The judge made the decision without even brought up the witness—the down payment is to be returned, plus the penalty due the defendant. My daughter, of course, was elated and proud of herself. She even posted the story on her blog. My friends were all very impressed. It also prompted me to re-evaluate my attitude of “fight over what’s rightly yours” versus “not fussing over small matters to keep harmony”. I got an alternative way to look at things.

Good news arrived from Taiwan—a niece is getting married. She chose to get married in court, without a wedding ceremony.  My daughter was perplexed—why omits the all-important wedding ceremony? Yesterday, the niece sent us her pictures in wedding gown. A-ha, ceremony or not, the world over, the pictures of the bride in wedding gown is a must. It reminds me of a friend, who had separated with his wife for a few years. He said: The wedding ceremony shall not be skipped; the tedious and laborious ritual is an important psychological preparation for the marriage. It paves the way to a sound marriage; it prepares us to face the numerous problems we’d surely face with in-laws. This, to me, is yet another way of looking at things: The seemingly trivial things in preparing for wedding sets the tone for a happy marriage.

Four, five years later, on my daughter’s kitchen counter, I saw a booking talking about the seven pillars of a happy marriage. It seems she has entered another milestone that is preparing for a happy marriage that will last. Some time ago, my husband’s company, a multi-national conglomerate, got a new sector president. Through video conference, he introduced himself and told the tens of thousands of employees, live, that he considered “Family is my number one priority; career is number two.” My husband said he could not agree more. A company president, he has great responsibility. Yet, he considered family is the number one priority. This probably surprised many corporate ladder climbers. At different end of the scale; how many homemakers would proudly admit that family is their utmost priority in life?

The other day, sitting in a coffee house with my husband, sentimentally, I said: “My life is not very meaningful. I have no achievement. All I do is to shop and cook for the family; all trivial. You should have discussed with me on some of the decisions you made unilaterally.” He reminded me that family financial health is a huge thing—it had been 3o or so years since our wedding, I had managed all of our budgeting and investment; that all the big decisions we made together. Because of his training and work, he said he had to be biased toward action, had to prioritize, and make decisions. If the ill effect of an action can be easily remedied, he usually does not fuss over a decision, he prefers to get it done first. That’s not how I work. Time efficiency has not been my way of doing things; even when I had a preference, I always get the consensus first. He wondered why I didn’t appreciate when he took care of the trivial things quickly. Therefore, he thought I fuss over trivials. Ha, after his explanation, I now treat all those previous fuss-over-trivial water under bridge.

There are myriad little things in life cannot be measured by monetary amount. Traveling, especially traveling abroad, costs 4,000-5,000 US dollars. A two-week tour adds spice to a mundane life; it’s really quite an undertaking. A few friends hired a tour guide and toured Europe as a group. Listening to those 60-something, 70-something seemingly respectable men recounting, “temporarily” out of character, their trip, all I heard was how much fun they had flirting with the tour guide; I was amused over their tails wagging the dog. Alas, the clever tour guide, reacting to those senior citizens’ behavior with a few off color jokes, was able to play them in her palms for two weeks. Ha, such a piece of cake playing those people’s heads!

I remember the first time we bought a home. It’s a huge milestone to me; a six figure price tag. I wanted to control everything, even the scenery of the neighborhood. The next door neighbor kept on parking his car by the street. Contently looking out of the window of my hard-earned new home, I did not appreciate seeing other people’s car blocking my view. I dared not negotiate with my neighbor; my poor husband had to do the dirty work. Years later, I blushed. Fortunately, the neighbor was a nice man. He did not fuss over little things. He was to be credited for our peaceful co-existence for 10 plus years.

However you look at it, learning to drive is a big thing. It involves, just to name a few, steering wheel handling, braking, gear changing, and parallel parking skills, etc. In the community, there are traffic laws, no drink and drive, traffic signs, etc. All these little things combined to become one big thing—so that everyone can go home safely. World Health Organization published a report in 2004: Chinese owned 3% of the world’s cars, and 21% of the world’s car accident fatalities. The New Yorker has an article pointing out: Driving schools in China don’t teach people how to drive; instead, they teach how to react to other people’s bad driving habits. The traffic laws are flexible—they change according to the situation at hand and rookie drivers’ skill. Mr. Hessler, the author of the article, said he heard a coach giving tips, instructing students not to use turn signals, because that may distract other drivers. Wasn’t it putting the cart before the horse?

A tour in life, from cradle to deathbed, we experience numerous things. Sometimes it’s walk in the park and everything goes smoothly, other times we have adrenalin pumping ready for a battle. Sometimes we trivialize arguments and choose to put harmony above all; sometimes we do things we need not bother, other times we fuss over things we have no business bothering… Isn’t it that life is like looking through a kaleidoscope; the flower patterns in it change all the time? How interesting!