

忘了是「孫子」的那一章那一節,總之他說了一大堆後有個結論:「... 多算勝,少算不勝」
高爾夫球場上算的最精的無如Jack Nicklaus1>。從 Alistair Cooke 的書上節譯一段與大家共享<2>:

1966Muirefield(在蘇格蘭),第17洞;par-5528 碼,發球台比果嶺高 200碼,左拐後就看不到果嶺。Nicklaus的傳記花了4頁的篇幅描述他如何打這一洞。如下:
週三,練習,東風,逆吹,選3號木桿。接下來兩天,風從西邊來吹向左邊,用 1-鐵。週日,面對第17洞,需要 birdie 然後par 18洞才能贏。順風,有點強。他決定用3-鐵把球送到離果嶺290碼外。球恰好在長草區前2尺停下來。心想:還剩238 碼到果嶺中央;果嶺前有沙坑。如果是用美國球(當時英國球的規格較小,現已統一),無風的話,不用想就該伸手拿1-鐵。但是他低頭沈思了一陣子(這一向是現代高爾夫上最令人震憾的一景):
英國球小,飛的遠些,所以要短一桿;因為戰況緊張心頭如小鹿亂撞,為了避免太過「強強滾」,再減它半桿。選了5-鐵。球落在球到上,沙坑前,跳過沙坑,上果嶺,停在洞前16尺處。決定不逞強作英雄:「下一桿只要接近就好」。第四桿,輕輕推進有如喝稀飯。這樣的birdie了第17洞後,觀眾看他打第18洞,無人懷疑 par 是囊中之物;根據 Cooke,「打哈欠可也」。

凡夫俗子的我作夢也不敢跟 Nicklaus 相比。心想 「鬆」,要來一點小學算術。
Harvey Penick 3>說他教球要從 推桿開始,一步一步往後教。

13 尺內的推桿(putt
3ChippingPiching。在這個距離幾乎都不是揮全桿(full swing)。
6。開球18 次,不見的開球都用driver

13 尺的推桿 。非有把握不可。因為不求遠,不會本能的用力,抬頭看球,所以是良好的機會練習,並養成習慣「頭不要抬起」。
310碼內,Chippingpitching打好,則減低2-putt的壓力。天賜良機親身體驗「高爾夫神明」最重要的兩個教條:低頭、加速。害怕打太遠而不感加速?球桿握短,上桿(back-swing)短,下桿(forward-swing)長,才有加速。人說「經驗如牙籤--不能用別人的。」腦袋瞭解沒用,只有親身體驗過才是你的。沒有在練習場上體驗過,很難在球場上克服疑懼。心有疑,馬上破功。那天八字對上了風水,打出兩次近洞可以 1-putt 豈不愉快。當場省兩桿。
480100 150 碼內,看距離選球桿,總是可以揮全桿(full-swing)。至此,你已成功的執行過 「低頭」、「加速」,雖然都不是全力去打。此時把已經養成的習慣應用到上揮全桿就容易了。想到「反正一上果嶺我至多只需兩桿就能趕球入洞」,心裡真踏實。「能上就好,球洞有6 尺寬呢!」實在沒有必要冒險去瞄果嶺邊邊當阿呆。若18次能上果嶺2次,再省 2 桿。眼看破 90 有望。
5)該學的都學過了。距離長,選長點的球桿就是了。「反正只要把球停在 80100150 碼內就平安。」吃撐了才去逞英雄。
6)開球落在球道上,往後的日子要好過的多。簡直跟大專聯考一樣重要。球規容許把球放在 tee 上。可別現成的便宜不撿,自斷一臂去打架。
美式橄欖球之父Walter Camp4》曾說:「高爾夫有如人生,需要兩桿才能解決的問題,硬要省一桿,往往造成非得桿不可。」

1 Nicklaus 的第二音節念lus而不是 laus。也就是說高爾夫球史上贏最多 Majors 的人,名叫「你可樂斯」,不是「你可勞死」。畢竟打高爾夫球是樂事。
2Alistair Cooke 的書, 原文如下:
Standing in 1966 on the 17th tee at Muirfield, where he expects to stand 4 times again this week, he faced a par-5, 528-yard hole, rising for 2 hundred yards and then disappearing as it turns to the left. It takes Nicklaus 4 crisp and explicit pages of Wind’s biography to explain exactly how he played the hole differently each day. Briefly, on Wednesday, he drove off against an east wind with a 3-wood. The next 2 days, with a west wind blowing right to left, he took a 1-iron. On the last day, approaching the 17th, he had to have a birdie and a part to win, a challenge that nobody but Nicklaus relished. The wind was a little stronger behind him. He decided on a 3-iron and landed 290 yards away, precisely 2 feet short of the rough. “That meant I was 238 yards from the center of the green.” …
If he had been playing the bigger American ball with no wind, he would have instinctively reached for a 1-iron. But he paused and thought hard (always  the most awesome sight in modern golf) and he decided to allow ‘one club less for the small ball, and a half club for the extra distance you get when the adrenaline is flowing’. So he took – for a 238-yard approach shot that had to land on the fairway short of a bunker and bounce over it on to the green – a 5-iron! He stopped 16 feet from the flag, decided not to be a hero but to lag it close and tap it in for his birdie. The par on the 18th was, for Nicklaus, almost a yawn.
3 Harvey Penick 高爾夫界的傳奇人物。
他的學生中贏過 Major的至少有 Tom Kite, Ben Crenshaw , Davis Love III.

Tom Kite 贏了 British Open,有公事不能馬上回美,叫太太連夜趕回TexasHarvey 坐在輪椅上,膝上蓋著毛毯,仍在球場上教學。她把獎杯放在 Harvey 膝上。
”Mr. PenickTom wants you to have this. He said this is yours. "

Davis Love III PGA Championship,星期天清晨聽到壞消息--Harvey 過世了。馬上買了機票要趕回去。同行勸阻:你多年來被戲稱 「從來未贏過 Major 的最高手。今天是你揚眉吐氣的大好時機。」 不聽。直到 Penick 夫人來電話:「如果 Harvey 還在,他定會叫你打完這場比賽!」打完 72 洞,天邊一道彩虹映著 Davis 滾落雙頰的淚珠。他的第一個 Major。圈內人中兩眼濕潤的不只一人。

所有的 高爾夫 書籍中,我如果只看一本,那定是 Harvey Penick's Little Red Book。不但從中學到 高爾夫 的技巧、練習法,而且瞻仰一位可親可佩的長者,並享受閱讀散文之樂。
<4> Walter Camp (1859-1925, Father of American football):
In golf as in life, the attempt to do something in one stroke that needs two is apt to result in taking three.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don't raise your head." is hard. No that is not the right thing to do, just that it is against player's interest in knowing where the ball goes. You see, if you don't see where the ball goes and lost the ball, you cannot continue to play. The pros can freely say that because they always have someone else telling them where the ball goes. Sometimes if you delay raising your head by a mere second, the ball is gone forever. PW